Wednesday, July 11, 2012

With Age Comes...

...plenty of doctor's appointments?

That seems to be the case here. I think it was my brother in law who said that once you hit '45', you'd start feeling some things you've never felt before in  your body. Hmm....I'm at that age and so is the hubs. Oddly enough, we haven't been to the doctor this much since I can remember. I'm sure that belief about turning 45 [and feeling more aches/pains] is far from true but it's actually happening to us.

Fortunately nothing really that serious is going on with the both of us. We have some aches and pains here and there and some unusual stuff going on but that's about it. The results of the tests mostly came up fine except for a couple. Still, they're all manageable and treatable. One more appointment and we're good for a few months.

Getting older is something I don't really pay attention to. I'm never conscious about turning a year older. What for? Everybody gets old. It's not like I'm all alone in this predicament. It's only when I start to feel something that I'd feel I'm really getting old. Unfortunately, the body and the mind and the spirit are aging at a different pace. With the former going at a faster rate of course. And that's what's happening to us. Much as we would like to believe that we're not old, our shells are telling us otherwise. And since we pay a fortune to our health insurance every month, we decided to use it and go to the doctor for check ups instead of wondering what the heck is happening.

Anyway, that's my rant for the week. Hopefully I'll have some better rants next time around. Ciao!

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