Wednesday, January 28, 2009

WAHM Talks!


Yep, this blog is now officially my 'venting' machine! I have not posted much on this blog because I got too busy with

Right now, work is a bit [really!] slow. So I am trying to attend to the things [this blog included] I've neglected for quite a while. I promise though that this blog will be taken cared of from now on....fingers, toes & eyes crossed!

So why "WAHM talks"? I am WAHM...which stands for "Work-At-Home-Mom". Since I am rarely in the company of people my age [except for the husband of course], I wanted to have a space where I can express myself...READ: T-A-L-K....

This blog will serve as my 'water cooler'. I will post anything and everything my little heart desires in this little corner of mine.

So come on board and let's TALK!

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